Monday, June 8, 2009

Bunk Beds

This is what we heard Saturday morning, around 6:15am: shuffle.... shuffle... THUMP.... shuffle.... shuffle....WAAAAHHHH!!!  These were the sounds of Ben climbing out of his crib, and then climbing into Tommy’s bed to wake him up.  Ben provided the THUMP, Tommy gave the scream.  Since we had nothing better planned for the day, we thought it was a good time to go get the boys a bunk bed and introduce Ben to the idea of staying in bed.  Ha!

Our trip to Ikea was pretty much what you’d think it would be with two toddlers...exhausting.  Tommy was in a sour mood all day because of the abrupt way he woke up, so he was incredibly whiney, clingy, and not fun to be around.  “Mommy, I want up!”.... “No, Mommy, I want to walk!”... “Waaaaah!”  Ben was a perfect angel.  

We set up the bed later in the afternoon after naps and the boys even helped Daddy put it together.  With their little toy hammers, they banged every square inch of wood they could find, and then some, and put screws in holes for Daddy.  We put Tommy in the top bunk for night time (we were too exhausted to handle bed training this night).  He loved it! 

On Sunday afternoon we took Ben’s crib apart and rearranged the boys’ room.  We put Ben in the bottom bunk for night time and began the training process.  After an hour of constantly popping him back in bed, he finally stayed put and fell asleep.  He only fell out of bed once during the night.  

I’m a bit sad that the crib part of Ben’s life was over so quickly and suddenly, but I have to remember that he’s a quick learner and a quick grower...he’s ready for this new step and he’s taken to his new bed quite well. 

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